Sorry to all of you coffee/energy drink drinkers, but your favourite drink is actually a major leech of time and money. It doesn’t provide you with any benefits and actually causes more issues than it solves.
First off caffeine is a drug… just like alcohol and marijuana… caffeine is a stimulant and is listed under the drug category of Erowid (more info here, it is an amazing site So because it is a drug it has major effects on your body and mind, can become addictive and generally disrupts your physiological patterns.
Also, coffee/caffeine is also NOT a tool of business, you waste more time during the day getting coffee than you will benefiting from it. Occasionally, the use of caffeine can be beneficial for a late night, but used every day it actually just becomes a pattern that your body gets used to. So you think you are hardcore drinking 5 cups a day? Well all your body does is depress your body in anticipation of the stimulant to even you out, it does not accelerate your mind. Similar to a crack addict needing a fix, your body needs to caffeine to bring it back up to the normal regulated state.
So when you drink 5 cups a day, say mostly in the morning what is happening is your body becomes SUPER depressed (sleepy) in anticipation of the drug caffeine being introduced into the blood stream. If you didn’t have the coffee your body would remain in a depressed state and you would be saying, “I need my morning coffee” but in reality you have setup this pattern.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s tasty, but it’s a treat beverage or for use occasionally.
Basically caffeine simply blocks the receptors of your brain that signal sleep. Which are also used as a regulator of dopamine and glutamate, so sure you can run dopamine and glutamate dry but your body needs to refresh these stimulants to run effectively. For much more technical info go here
It is also a diuretic (drys out your body) and a bowel irritant.
So there~! What a waste of time and money folks.
Oh no! My body is used to coffee. I’m one of those who are affected by the addictive substance of caffeine.