Being an Alpha male is the goal. Like it or not, you can’t deny that modern masculine traits are useful and attractive.
A big part of this is being proactive and in control of your space; you can’t react to anyone (your physicality, flinching, changing opinions too quickly, nodding heads, staredowns). For example, if you go to shake someones hand you need to look at them for a split second before you shake hands as if you will do it when you want to.
This type of posturing directly builds your social power and keeps you in control. It shows you are level headed and in charge.
Practice it if you want to be an Alpha. Anticipate the shake, breathe and introduce yourself, slowly stretch out your hand. Only a weak man has a weak handshake.
Reduce the shitty side of masculinity and embrace the powerful things before we’re all getting pedicures and whining about life.