Everything about modern society is focused on making money.
It’s not about being a good artist or exploring yourself or society. All we are trying to do is make new forumulas to try and make money. And if we don’t ‘succeed’ we believe we have failed. Led Zeppelin, Tool, Jimi Hendrix, Nirvana and tons of classic strong musicians used to just wail away and make amazing life changing powerful music.
Now we get these bullshit songs just trying to ‘break the mold’ but they are simply trying to stand out to increase sales. I am happy the music industry has been crushed by the internet. Fuck them and the private jets, it’s only music and music is valuable for it’s own sake. We have taken back the power and we only pay for things we like, not the things they cram down our throats.
I’m sick of hearing these indie bands trying to be just a bit different to get people to pay attention. If you are good, you will make money, so just focus on doing the music you want and being honest. This economy is being built by people who participate in it, but as kids learn how to pirate music, even Justin Bieber has his work cut out for him.
Viva la revolution.