I love Radiohead and I stumbled across this video on FB today:
It’s a compilation of different artists performing Paranoid Android which is one of my favourite songs. It inspired me to finally look up the lyrics (funny how you can listen to a song hundreds of times and love it but not know all the words exactly). As I was reading the lyrics I was a bit confused and searched for some meaning (searched on Google haha).
I found this great explanation of the song here: Click Here for Paranoid Android Meaning
It is a bit long so non-Radiohead fans might not be willing to read it, but even if you skim this well put together article you will get an amazing interpretation of the song in a way I had not imagined (bonus for references to Shakespeare). The narrative, interpretation and moral are all very well written and give me a new meaning to the song.
I still can have my own opinions, but I love this take and agree with it. The article is by Dan Roehl who unfortunately doesn’t have any other breakdowns like the Paranoid Android one.
His site is here. Thanks Dan!