I ♥ Podcasts

I am a podcast freak.  I listen to probably two per day while working, doing yard work, travelling, random projects or really any time I’m occupied (I find it better than music in some cases because I don’t need to change the track or album and it keeps me focused).

What is a Podcast?

A podcast is a periodic radio show that you subscribe to.  Typically audio only but occasionally video as well.  Using the Apple podcast app on your iPhone (or however you get it on Android) you subscribe to the individual shows and as new episodes are published they are automatically downloaded (kind of like an audio only PVR).  Podcasts are the replacement for radio shows and while you can normally listen to them live you would normally just listen to them at your convenience.  As opposed to having to ‘tune-in’ at times convenient for the radio stations.

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I ♥ Deviantart.com


If you are into art at all, this is the site for you. It is amazing how many spectacular artists are on this site. You can start from the homepage and view random popular works, but my favourite is to look at the daily deviations or search for a topic, find the one I like the best, look up the artist, then look at their favourites. If you do this, generally the favourites of an artist that you really like the style of will be packed with amazing similar pieces. This way you can find an artist or photographer that you really like and if you are lucky they have several hundred of their favourites for you to browse.

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I ♥ Quotes

As you may know I am a huge believer in quotes.  I keep what I like to call my ‘Quote Bible’ now on Evernote.  And since I upgraded to premium I can share the note in real time.  So as I collect new quotes you can view them here:



I ♥ Hype Machine

merch-shirt1I think my friend Katie recommended this site to me. If she didn’t she still probably deserves credit for it.

Hypemachine (hypem.com) is an awesome place to find new music for free. It has a great system that keeps music fresh and covers all genres. You find such a cool mix of music and you can add music to your favourites to listen to later.

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