Get out and do shit

“The doer alone learneth” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

It’s 2011 and I will get shit done, that’s my new MO. So I’m clearing out my draft bucket and throwing down some ideas.

This really reminds me of a powerful quote which I boil down to “victory nor defeat” to keep it in the front of my mind, but here is the whole passage:

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Social media – get over it

Social media is like a website, have it or die… But stop talking about it like you are some sort of internet guru because you have figured out what all 14 yr olds have.  You guide the tech-illiterate through this ‘new’ (it’s not new, but the non-techies are just figuring it out) fad as if … Read more

Music is BS

jimi_hendrix_axis_album_coverEverything about modern society is focused on making money.

It’s not about being a good artist or exploring yourself or society. All we are trying to do is make new forumulas to try and make money. And if we don’t ‘succeed’ we believe we have failed. Led Zeppelin, Tool, Jimi Hendrix, Nirvana and tons of classic strong musicians used to just wail away and make amazing life changing powerful music.

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Shocking Events and Male Brains

It hit me the other day why men take emotional matters less intensely. It’s an evolutionary trait where they need to be steady despite troubling events. Women can be scarred (as men can as well) by events that they experience. A well adjusted male warrior is able to internalize, learn and move on. You can’t … Read more

Masculinity & Being Proactive

Being an Alpha male is the goal. Like it or not, you can’t deny that modern masculine traits are useful and attractive. A big part of this is being proactive and in control of your space; you can’t react to anyone (your physicality, flinching, changing opinions too quickly, nodding heads, staredowns). For example, if you … Read more

Coffee Sucks

Sorry to all of you coffee/energy drink drinkers, but your favourite drink is actually a major leech of time and money.  It doesn’t provide you with any benefits and actually causes more issues than it solves. First off caffeine is a drug… just like alcohol and marijuana… caffeine is a stimulant and is listed under … Read more

My Top 5 Inspirational Videos

On my iGoogle I have a little bookmarks application (called ‘Enhanced Bookmarks’) and on it I post videos that I have come across that are inspiring and motivational.  When I need a pick me up I will often watch them; actually for a while I was watching them right before starting work just to get me off on the right foot for the day.

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SEO: Search Engine Optimization

I am the first to admit that I am not the best at this particular topic. I understand some basics for making a site friendlier to Google and mixing up keywords, but I am not at the level that some specialists are who can literally drive your ranking straight up to number one on the searches.

I have always believed that you need a good balanced mix of SEO techniques including real-world marketing to get organic traffic. And with organic traffic your site’s pagerank will rise with it. Varying and natural traffic is the key (organic traffic) to making lots of ad revenue and impressions, but targeted optimization is what keeps users coming back.

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Interpersonal conflict makes you a dumbass

It takes a lot of energy to evolve and develop yourself.  Life is busy enough running around doing the things we need to do without having to do things that are unnecessary.
And if you spend all of your time worrying about other people and what they think, then chances are you are a dumbass and your life is stuck in a holding pattern going around in circles pointlessly.  There is no reason for interpersonal conflict and if you are stuck in a situation where you and everyone around you is so focuses on arguing and conflict then you will never experience peace and growth.

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Super Singles Theory: The Millionaire Matchmaker Effect

I propose the definition of a new word.

Super Single [soo-per sing-guhl] -gles, noun
An individual incapable of having a serious relationship.
That girl has such bad luck with men, she must be a super single.

This term came about from studying relationships throughout the years.  I started to notice I had some friends who had no clue whether or not a boyfriend/girlfriend was going to work out.  Somehow I could always tell and so I started to formulate this theory.

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