SAP Business One B1i SSL Integration Installation (Details)

See my video on the B1i installation process including my AutoSSL tool by clicking here.

Main SAP Note 2019275 (click for link)
NOTE: This article has been adapted from the main SAP note and expanded upon based on several installations.


  1. You need to have B1i installed
  2. You need the current .keystore password located at: C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One Integration\IntegrationServer\Tomcat\conf\server.xml
  3. Search the XML document for the keystorePass attribute. Default that I have observed has been sapB1iP
  4. You need a domain name associated with your raw IP address. IE, as an example. This must resolve to their static IP address with an A record in the subdomains DNS.

Initialize OpenSSL

  1. Go to:
  2. Download and install Visual C++ 2008 Redistributables (x64)
  3. Download and install Win64 OpenSSL v1.0.2d Light
  4. Install everything with default settings
  5. Read more

Make a Pareto Chart in Crystal Reports

I had recently needed to make a Pareto analysis chart in Crystal Reports and couldn’t figure out how to do it through the chart expert.

The trick is to Record Sort the data into the order you want and it will sort the bar chart the same way. I did an SQL view to which listed my unique descriptions and then a COUNT() operation.

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Tips & Tricks: Inventory Audit Report Doesn’t Match GL Balance

At some point in your SAP Business One consulting career you will get the question as to WHY the Inventory Audit Report (Inventory >> Inventory Reports >> Inventory Audit Report) doesn’t match the GL balances or balance sheet totals.

Generally this question is during the year end closing process where accountants want to see what makes up the balance of the inventory balance.

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Tips & Tricks: Last Price Report in Sales Documents

I have had the request from several SAP Business One customers to view the last price given to a specific customer for a specific item. Well the only real solution I could come up with would be to make an FMS on the price with a query. This is an OK solution but I came across a much slicker solution when searching the SAP help file for something completely unrelated.

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