Advice You Didn’t Ask For: A Word On Your Thoughts

Positive self-talk sounds pretty hippy-dippy but it can make a huge difference in your every day life. If you walk around all day telling yourself you suck and that you are ugly and that you can’t do it (whatever IT is) then it will become true.

“Your mind will be like its habitual thoughts;
for the soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts.”

~ Marcus Aurelius

If you don’t take things too personally and you keep your thoughts in the positive you will always have a better day. If you focus on the negatives all day then you will not only run yourself down but likely your day will be bleak. “No thought lives in your head rent free” and each thought you think literally uses some of your body’s electrical energy. You would be surprised at how run down you can get just running through random thoughts in the day.

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Second Realm and Bitcoin Summary

I have been digging into The Second Realm movement in the past few weeks compiling my notes on the various things I have found. Here are my impressions.

“The Second Realm” is a term used to describe a permanent autonomous zone that certain groups of Crypto-Anarchists, Anarcho-Capitalists, Agorists, hackers, etc. are trying to create. A place where full economic freedom can be achieved with no interaction with “The First Realm” (our current economy, government, corporations, etc.). They claim the reason is to circumvent the governments control over their everyday lives, to live and trade anonymously and build a better world free from the control of “The Man.”

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The Stupid Man

Why are men drawn to doing dumb (reckless, wild, crazy) things? And why are these primitive bahaviours attractive to females?

It relates back to the early days of man when we still had to do daring and adventurous things. Hunting with a spear or knife is incredibly dangerous, takes amazing amounts of stamina and athletic ability, intelligence and aggression. This example also works for warfare and fighting. Ever thought of walking onto a field and hitting another person with a sword who is also trying to hit you??

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Advice You Didn’t Ask For: How to Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals

I have been reading a lot of self-help books lately. Actually I hate the fact they are called ‘self-help’ really… I think that if you are not helping yourself by reading books containing techniques from the most successful people then you are really on your own out there in the world with no advantages over the average person.

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Coffee Sucks

Sorry to all of you coffee/energy drink drinkers, but your favourite drink is actually a major leech of time and money.  It doesn’t provide you with any benefits and actually causes more issues than it solves. First off caffeine is a drug… just like alcohol and marijuana… caffeine is a stimulant and is listed under … Read more

Super Singles Theory: The Millionaire Matchmaker Effect

I propose the definition of a new word.

Super Single [soo-per sing-guhl] -gles, noun
An individual incapable of having a serious relationship.
That girl has such bad luck with men, she must be a super single.

This term came about from studying relationships throughout the years.  I started to notice I had some friends who had no clue whether or not a boyfriend/girlfriend was going to work out.  Somehow I could always tell and so I started to formulate this theory.

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Is Earth overpopulated?: IPAT and the Population Bomb

Some say “yes,” some say “no,” but in the end we need more facts than our insulated bubble might provide us.

You can view the world from what you passively hear each day.  Famine here, war there but nothing affects our daily routine.  I worry when this will catch up with us.
As a core nation we use 3/4 of the world’s resources.  We represent 15% of the worlds population (North America specifically) and yet we have such complete control over oil, coal, nuclear products, food, pulp/paper, cotton, labour.  Over the course of our development, we have fought and demanded, paid for and stolen resources to make ourselves more comfortable.  This is great for us, we get to go and buy .99 kids clothing down at Superstore but what is the cost of this to the world?

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Google: The Baddest Outlaw in the West

Be afraid Apple and Microsoft.  Be afraid cable TV providers.  Be very afraid… The infotainment industry is turning into the wild wild west with Google emerging as the Jesse James of the competitors. If you are not familiar with Google Chrome, it is a lightning fast new browser which has become my primary.  It still … Read more