Is Earth overpopulated?: IPAT and the Population Bomb

Some say “yes,” some say “no,” but in the end we need more facts than our insulated bubble might provide us.

You can view the world from what you passively hear each day.  Famine here, war there but nothing affects our daily routine.  I worry when this will catch up with us.
As a core nation we use 3/4 of the world’s resources.  We represent 15% of the worlds population (North America specifically) and yet we have such complete control over oil, coal, nuclear products, food, pulp/paper, cotton, labour.  Over the course of our development, we have fought and demanded, paid for and stolen resources to make ourselves more comfortable.  This is great for us, we get to go and buy .99 kids clothing down at Superstore but what is the cost of this to the world?

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Fix annoying Outlook 2007 quirks

So I figured out a couple of cool tricks that I thought I would share to increase your speed working with Outlook 2007.  (Some tricks might work for 2003 but I did not test them so it’s at your own risk/disappointment)

1. Change Colour of Outlook

By default it is a blue colour.  Some like it, some don’t.  But you can change it to black / silver / blue if you would like and the entire Office Suite 2007 changes with it to match.  Kind of slick.

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